Monday, April 20, 2009


So the other day, I was on facebook and I noticed that someone, a female to be exact, dropped a few lines in my honesty box. I was expecting the usual post like, "I love your poetry" or," I think you are awesome," but to my surprise, it stated, and I quote, " Are you a WOMANIZER???" I didn't know whether to punch a hole in LCD or laugh until my insides melted into pudding. Womanizer? I initially thought it was a joke so I replied to the post with an "lol", but she just replied right back only to let me know that her question was as serious as the AIDS epidemic. Do I really come off as a Womanizer? I mean I know I flirt with anything that can hold a conversation but idk 'Womanizer' is the term that applies here.
Lets look at the definition of Womanizer:
The word Womanizer is a noun that comes from the verb Womanize which, according to Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary, means to pursue casual sexual relationships with multiple women.

Anyone that actually knows who I am would know that Womanizing is completely out of my character. I am just going to assume that this mystery girl is a stranger that just bumped into my profile, but if I find out who she is, I will definitely make a point to laugh at her like a hyena that overdosed on 5 Hour Energy Shots.

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