Monday, May 18, 2009

Im Back???

I have to learn to be more consistent with this thing, but in my defense, the internet I have had to deal with for this past week wasn't worth more than the American dollar during a recession. So much has happened since my last post; my phone was cut off for lack of payment, I was forced to move out of my dorm room because they were closing for the summer, I was in a car wreck that totaled my car, I was homeless...for about 2 hours, I achieved some kind of throat disease that has had throat aching for the past 8 days(going to the doctor tomorrow), I moved back into my dorm room for summer school, I achieved the status of MIA amongst all my friends because of lack of cell phone activity, lost my one and only pair of black dress shoes, and I filmed a short movie for the incoming freshman at East Carolina University. *WHEW*

I also got a chance to get on the stage and spit at a showcase this past weekend. It gave me a chance to clear out the cobwebs on my microphone because it has definitely been that long, or at least it felt like it. It was nice to feel wanted as a poet and as a writer. Definitely haven't had that feeling since nationals back in February (placed 7th in the nation). There was definitely a warm yet familiar feel from the crowd as well. They knew all of my old work and wanted to hear nothing but the classics and I loved every bit of it. That just goes to show that no matter how much you may deny it, loneliness exist in all of us. We are all lonely, but we are not alone. Everyone has that stage that makes them feel welcome, that stage that feels like home.

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