Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Random Word: Epidemic???


People always wondered why
Priscilla and I never dated

I was never man enough to explain
so I always just claimed that Poetry
was the only girl who could understand me

But truth be told,
I just thought Priscilla was too beautiful
And when a girl is that fine
I dont mind slipping myself into the friend zone

She is my Super Woman
Never fatigue from the 5k marathons
She runs through my mind daily

And although I tried to hide it
she could smell the stench
of my infatuation miles away

Her beauty is the sickness
that every girl wants to be infected with,
And some women walk around hating her
because their bodies carry the anti virus

But sometimes,
I wish her beauty wasn't so epidemic
Because then guys would be more inclined
to love her insides, outside the bedroom...


  1. Incredibly dope... I've never told you this but you def inspire me to be a better poet Johnny...

  2. Thank you brother. You are quite an inspiration yourself man.
